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Document Scanning Services For Energy, Oil & Gas Companies

quality document management system for energy oil & gas companiesDocument and data imaging offers numerous benefits for energy, oil, and gas companies. Having a quality document management and scanning system can lead to greater efficiency for both business processes and employees improved compliance and risk management, and streamlined business operations. Document imaging projects for energy and oil and gas industries do, however, come with their own unique challenges. But with proper preparation and implementation, your data imaging project can be a success. Learn more about high-speed document scanning services.

factors to consider before scanning your documents

Preparation is one of the most important steps to a successful document scanning project. Make sure your energy or oil & gas company knows: 1) The desired outcomes of the project, 2) Your end-user requirements, and 3) What regulatory requirements must be met. When you have answered these questions, you will need to consider how big of a scope you want your scanning project to be. For example, will you scan only legacy files, active files, or a combination of both? How many files will need categorization and indexing? You will need to consider the goals of your project, how often the information is accessed, and your time and budget constraints.

For a quality document management and scanning system, energy and oil and gas companies will also need to establish clear rules and guidelines for the scanning process. What are the rules related to document signatures? What is considered an original document vs. a copy? How will the scanning staff handle written notes and post-it notes? How will you process correspondence such as e-mails and faxes?

On top of this, there is also considerations for staff training and management, equipment, space, and compliance if your company chooses to scan the documents themselves. However, you can also outsource an experienced scanning staff that will scan and digitize all of your documents for you. We offer scanning services with a completely HIPAA and CJIS compliant staff, and we can also help you with managing your documents before and after the imaging project to make sure your implementation process is as smooth as possible.

document scanning management & data imaging services for energy oil & gas companies

contact us for Quality Document Management Scanning Systems

Southwest Solutions Group® provides consultation, scanning, and implementation services for energy and oil and gas companies who need a quality document management and scanning system for their data imaging project. SSG will even scan and index a box of your records for free so you can try our services before you buy. For more information or to speak with an information management specialist for energy and oil and gas companies, call us at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message today.