compact multimedia sliding shelves

Storing and managing video footage is important in today’s world. When evidence is handled well, it helps the public trust police. In today’s digital world, there are different options for video storage.

One such option is to use special shelves called multimedia shelves. These shelves are important for safely storing law enforcement agencies video evidence. They help make investigations fair.

These video storage shelves are adjustable to fit different media needs within the same storage unit. They organize videos and other media to make finding information and save space. This is important for small and large police departments alike.

This article looks at the benefits of multimedia and video storage.

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The Benefits of Police Video Storage 

Multimedia Storage

police interrogation dvd video recorded data

Multimedia storage systems help store police car and body worn video evidence. They feature an adjustable design to fit different sizes of media. This makes it easy to keep video evidence organized and accessible with other media.


These shelves feature a well-organized system. The shelves are adjustable, keeping videos, DVDs, and tapes organized together. It also helps manage evidence smoothly and makes the police officer work more efficiently.

Storage Capacity

The shelves are designed for DVD and video storage. These shelves maximize the storage capacity compared to standard-sized shelving units.

Contact Us for Police Video Storage

Southwest Solutions Group, we focus on creating and setting up video storage solutions for police departments. We design systems that meet the strictest safety rules. We provide free consultations to understand organizations’ specific needs. Contact us today at 800-803-1083 or message us to learn more about our services.

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