Space-saving compact high density mobile carriage cabinets
Have you ever wondered how video footage from the Golden Age of Hollywood is projected so clearly across your television screen years after it was made? Well, there are actual repositories that exist just for the preservation and safe keeping of such things. With so much to keep track of, however, one has to wonder how there is enough room for everything. The answer is simple: it depends on how things are stored. And, as a facility found out, the issue of storage can be especially tricky when you’re tasked with protecting one of the nation’s largest collections of archives in limited space. But, with the help of compact high density mobile carriage cabinets and no fixed rail pull out storage, a 33-acre site with 1.7 million square feet was transformed into a fully functional state-of-the-art-facility. In addition, because the compact high density mobile carriage cabinets are designed to condense when operated, it conserved a considerable amount of space. This created ample room for administrative and research areas without having to undergo any additional construction. Compact high density mobile carriage cabinets create space to store more.
Protective compact high density mobile carriage cabinets
When it came to the question of preservation and protecting age-old treasures such as black and white motion picture films, the facility took great care in choosing the right storage design. Not only were the compact high density mobile carriage cabinets affordably priced, they were made with a powder coating that safeguarded archival materials from the most threatening hazards. This meant that items could be safely stored and protected from wear and tear for years to come.
Office Shelving Prices
See specifications and pricing for rotary cabinets, lateral file cabinets, pull-out shelving, forms & literature cabinets.
Sliding Mobile Shelving
Rotary Cabinets
Lateral File Cabinets
File & Binder Shelving
Pull-Out Shelving
Security Shutters
Flipper Door Cabinets
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No fixed rail pull out storage maximizes storage capacity
Eventually, the burden of storing materials kept in 25 active stacks became too much for the compact high density mobile carriage cabinets to manage of their own. A fact made even more evident by an increase in the receipt of new records, as well as the transferal of records from another location. So, no fixed rail pull out storage was brought in to help. It was particularly useful when it came to the area’s perimeter because it allowed for aisles to be completely removed. This created extra room for the facility to utilize, while also maximizing storage capacity of the space available. Access to items kept inside the system is gained by simply pulling on an ergonomic handle located on the outer panel. And, since the no rail pull out storage requires assistance from only a hand grip, it can be relocated without much effort. See no fixed rail pull out storage in action.
Contact us for compact high density mobile carriage cabinets
Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services of compact high density mobile carriage cabinets. Free consultations are available to determine you and your business’s exact needs before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a storage specialist, call us at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message today.
Compact high density mobile carriage cabinets resources
Introduction To High-Density Mobile Systems
High-Density Mobile Storage Systems
Powered Mobile Storage Systems
Mechanical Assist High-Density Storage
Manual High-Density Mobile Storage
Wheelhouse High-Density Mobile Storage System
Industrial Mobile Storage Solutions
Floor Loading Considerations
ADA Accessibility Compliance
Mobile Shelving Safety