rolling locking tambour doors for shelvingSingle-click to enlarge the desired Tambour shelving doors picture below. (ref:GAL:4500)

Rolling Locking Tambour Shelving Doors mount onto shelving units to secure storage. These security shutters come in widths up to 12′ wide and will mount onto practically any type of shelving. The doors roll up and pull down manually, with a remote control device, or with a security keypad.  Door compartments can either mount on top of the shelving or to the front of the shelving depending on your requirements. Locking tambour doors are great for protecting highly confidential records or inventory. For more information on Tambour shelving security shutters, please call us at 800-803-1083 or send us a message.

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See specifications and pricing for sliding mobile shelving,  rotary cabinets, file cabinets, security shutters, and more.