Our library shelving solutions offers versatile and customizable configurations to optimize library spaces. Allowing you to store a diverse range of books and materials while enhancing efficiency. We offer many types and configurations of library shelving to best fit your needs. All our solutions feature options such as adjustable shelves, compact designs, and finishes.

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Cantilever Library Shelving Library cantilever shelving enhances visibility and browsing experiences with its open design, making it easy for patrons to see and access book collections. Offering improved accessibility and optimized space utilization, these shelving systems are flexible, customizable, and easy to maintain.

Compact Library Shelving– Compact book shelving offers space optimization by eliminating wasted aisle space and increasing storage capacity by up to 50% compared to traditional setups. This shelving is available in manual or electronic modes of operation.

Curved Library Shelving– This type of shelving offers a visually appealing and space-optimizing solution for modern libraries, enhancing the browsing experience while maximizing storage capacity. With flexible configurations, these shelves are suitable for various settings, from schools to commercial spaces.

Dynamic Library Shelving– Dynamic library shelving enhances your patron’s experience by creating a welcoming atmosphere and increasing engagement through signage, visual cues, and strategic lighting. By showcasing book covers, featuring themed displays, and incorporating interactive elements, our modern library shelving encourages exploration and discovery.

Floating Library Shelving– Different types of floating library shelves offer various benefits and functionalities, such as maximizing space, improving aesthetics, and providing flexibility in configuration. These shelves contribute to a modern, organized environment, offering durability, multi-use applications, and easy installation and maintenance, making them a practical choice for libraries of all sizes.

Library Media Shelving– These shelves offer versatile solutions for organizing and displaying various media formats, such as CDs, DVDs, and digital resources. With features like adjustable shelves, modular design, and clear signage. Library media shelving ensures efficient organization, preservation of media, easy access, and optimal use of space.

Library Periodical Shelving– A specialized display system designed to organize and showcase periodicals like magazines, newspapers, and journals. This shelving system enhances patrons’ browsing experience while promoting circulation and reducing clutter in the library environment.

Library Shelving Movers– When libraries undergo transitions like reorganization or relocation, selecting the right movers is crucial. Moving fully loaded library shelves with specialized lifting technology by our team offers benefits such as streamlining the process, maintaining organization, minimizing damage risk, and saving time and money.

Library Shelving on Wheels– Offers flexibility and convenience by allowing librarians to easily reconfigure spaces and optimize layouts to meet changing needs, enhancing engagement and community interactions. These mobile shelving units promote accessibility and sustainability.

Library Storage Facility– These offsite facilities offer benefits, including additional space for growing collections, preservation of valuable materials, and cost-effectiveness in managing library resources. Library storage facilities, such as storage annexes and book depositories, provide climate-controlled environments and advanced security measures to safeguard collections.

Mobile Library Shelving– Mobile library shelving systems offer innovative solutions to optimize space and enhance flexibility in modern libraries. These systems maximize storage efficiency while allowing for quick reconfiguration, improved accessibility, and adaptable displays, contributing to efficient library operations and enhanced user experiences.

Sheet Music Storage– Sheet music storage solutions streamline organization and accessibility for music collections, whether for performances or practice. Options like folio cabinets and wall-mounted racks offer customizable storage to suit various needs while high-density shelving maximizes space efficiency and protects music sheets from damage.

Wood & Steel Library Shelving– This kind of shelving combines the durability of steel with the natural aesthetics of wood, offering the best of both worlds for libraries. These shelving units are not only visually appealing but also functionally superior, providing stability, adaptability, and easy maintenance to accommodate the evolving needs of libraries.

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Library Testimonials

texas state library

“Southwest Solutions Group’s installers are the best! There is a distinct contrast between Southwest Solutions Group installers and all the others who have been working in the library. They know their business. They know when things will arrive and what has to be done. They know if there is a problem and what to do about it. And, they are a pleasure to work with.”

Texas State Library & Archives Commission

“Southwest Solutions Group has a real winner in Brandon. He inspires confidence in your product offerings and always responds quickly to our requests. Thank you for your excellent service, we will keep his contact information handy.”

Columbia County Library

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