As libraries transform into vibrant community spaces, the significance of furniture is essential in creating inviting, functional, and user-friendly environments. New library furniture is more than just a place to sit or study. It is now a crucial part of the library experience, affecting people’s engagement with knowledge and ideas.

Libraries can improve their spaces by choosing comfortable, adaptable, and collaborative furniture, creating a better experience for patrons.

Read on to learn about trends and considerations for updating your library furniture and common types of furniture for libraries. To see more library storage solutions, visit our market page.

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Library Furniture Trends & Considerations

library furnitureWhen choosing or updating your library furniture, consider some of these recent trends in modern library furniture.

Modular Library Furniture

Flexible and modular furniture designs can be reconfigurable to accommodate various activities, events, and user preferences. The ability to adapt the space quickly allows libraries to host a wide range of events.

Ergonomic Library Seating

The seating options promote comfort and well-being for patrons during extended reading and study sessions. Ergonomically designed tables and chairs often include adjustable features, lumbar support, and padded armrests.

Accessible Furniture

Comfortable library furniture with adjustable height tables, wheelchair-friendly designs, and assistive technology cater to patrons with diverse needs and physical abilities.

Technology Integration

modular library furniture

Charging stations, USB ports, and built-in power outlets are becoming standard features in modern library furniture, allowing patrons to charge their devices conveniently while using library resources.

Versatile Collaborative Spaces

Collaborative workstations, writable surfaces, and comfortable seating arrangements help create versatile collaborative spaces in libraries. These spaces can facilitate group study, brainstorming sessions, and collaborative learning experiences.

Green and Sustainable Furniture

Furniture made from recycled or sustainably sourced materials can align with a library’s efforts to be environmentally conscious and socially responsible.

Custom Library Furniture

Some libraries opt for customized furniture solutions to align with their unique branding, architectural design, and user experience goals. Custom furniture allows libraries to create distinctive, visually appealing spaces that match their identity and purpose.

Types of Library Furniture

Library furniture comes in all shapes and sizes. Discussed below are some of the various types of furniture for libraries.

Library Circulation Desks

library furniture circulation deskLibrary circulation desks are service points in a library. People can borrow and return books at these desks. They can also get help with library tasks.

The desks have librarians or trained staff to help patrons. They assist with finding books using the library’s catalog and digital resources. They also answer questions about library services.

Due to technology and the digital age, circulation desks have self-checkout kiosks and automated return systems.

These innovations streamline the borrowing and returning process, allowing patrons to conduct transactions independently. Circulation desks are important for helping library users and ensuring the library is easy for everyone.

Library Booths

Library booths are private seating areas. They are a place for reading, studying, or research. These booths provide a quiet and focused space.

They are great for individuals or small groups. These booths offer a more secluded and concentrated environment than open study areas. They often feature electrical outlets, task lighting, and sometimes even computers, allowing library users to engage with materials and technology while minimizing distractions.

Makerspace Library Furniture

library study tablesMakerspace library furniture refers to the specialized furniture and equipment designed to support creative and hands-on activities in library makerspaces. Makerspaces are collaborative workspaces that provide individuals access to tools, technology, and resources for creating, experimenting, and learning.

Library Carrels

Library carrels are small study spaces in a library. People can use them to read, study, and do academic work. These spaces provide a private and focused setting.

Carrels are typically designed with partitions or panels that offer visual and acoustic privacy, creating a secluded space within the larger library setting. They typically feature a dedicated workspace, task lighting, and electrical outlets or charging stations.

Library Seating

Libraries have various seating options for different purposes. For reading, there are comfortable armchairs available. For focused work, study carrels are available. Communal tables are available for group activities.

Library Tables

Library tables provide users with dedicated surfaces for studying, reading, research, and group work. They come in various sizes and designs, catering to various activities and preferences. Large communal tables encourage group discussions and collaborative projects, fostering community within the library. Smaller tables with individual workspaces provide a focused solitary study and research environment. Visit our online store to see our library storage products.

shopping cart iconLibrary Shelving, Tables, Racks, and Carts

See specifications and pricing for library shelving, art racks, bookcases.  Various options for wall mounted shelving for books may include a wall mounted shelf, floating bookshelf, hanging bookshelf, open shelf.

Contact Us for Library Furniture

Southwest Solutions Group provides design and installation services for public library furniture, school library furniture for elementary through college grade levels, church library furniture, and more. We will also provide a free consultation to determine your needs and specifications before the design begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at 800-803-1083 or send us a message today.



Library Testimonials

texas state library

“Southwest Solutions Group’s installers are the best! There is a distinct contrast between Southwest Solutions Group installers and all the others who have been working in the library. They know their business. They know when things will arrive and what has to be done. They know if there is a problem and what to do about it. And, they are a pleasure to work with.”

Texas State Library & Archives Commission

“Southwest Solutions Group has a real winner in Brandon. He inspires confidence in your product offerings and always responds quickly to our requests. Thank you for your excellent service, we will keep his contact information handy.”

Columbia County Library

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